PO Box 2895 Coeur d’Alene, ID 83816
We are longtime LOCAL Republicans in the style of Ronald Reagan.

What are Precincts?
The entire county map is broken into 73 smaller sections called voting “precincts” to help facilitate voting.  When you go to your polling site to vote, all the people in your “precinct” go to that site. Precincts typically include several neighborhoods.  

What is a Republican Precinct Committeeman?
Each county voting precinct has one (1) elected Republican “Precinct Committeeman” position available. The Precinct Committeeman represents the GOP in that precinct, and sits on the county central committee [KCRCC], which meets once a month; and is a key part of the grassroots of the official Idaho Republican Party and the national GOP.  

What does KCRCC stand for?
Kootenai County Republican Central Committee

What is a party central committee?

The party central committee is made up of the 73 elected Precinct Committeemen for that party, elected every two years, and is considered to represent the ‘official’ party.

What do Precinct Committeemen do?
These elected neighborhood political party members make up the local central committees (Republican or Democrat) in Kootenai County. Their main purpose is to help their party members get elected in November.

I’ve never heard of Precinct Committeemen campaigning with signs and everything, why are they now?
Traditionally, for past decades, Precinct Committeemen were workers who helped get Republicans elected in November running against Democrats, etc. It’s getting attention this year because the current KCRCC has caused division in the party, ignoring party principles by recruiting, endorsing, and financially supporting (using party funds) for ONLY their approved candidates in the May Primary, EXCLUDING all other Republicans. The Central Committee and its PC’s are supposed to be party workers not dictators.

Why should I care about my Precinct Committeeman?
Depending upon whom gets elected in your precinct on May 21, KCRCC may continue on the wrong track as they have been, or a NEW KCRCC can chart a new and better course.

What are Rhinos? Or Rinos and why is it a bad or good thing?

Some uninformed name-callers sometimes refer to traditional Republicans as RINOs (Republicans in Name Only).  

If I don’t vote in the Primary, can I still vote in the November presidential election?

YES, but if you are a registered Republican your vote matters more in May.  Republican winners of the May primary election usually win the November election with little to no competition.

I am not a registered voter. Can I register to vote on May 21?

YES, by going to the Kootenai County Elections office at 1808 N. 3rd Street in CdA.  You must provide a utility bill or other proof of residency plus a valid form of ID. You can call them at 208-446-1030. You can also register at your designated polling location on election day, with valid ID and proof of residency.

Can Democrats change their affiliation to Republican in time for absentee voting?
NO, the deadline for Democrats, Libertarian, or Constitution party voters to change their party affiliation to vote in the May Primary election was March 15.

Can registered voters who are not affiliated with any political party vote in the Republican Primary on May 21?
YES, Unaffiliated voters can still “affiliate” with the Republican Party and request a Republican ballot up until and including Election Day at the polls.

Can I vote for only the people I know on the ballot but not everyone or every office, and have my ballot be valid?

Do I have to wait until next year to affiliate with a party?

NO, if not affiliated you can affiliate now, but if you are in a political party right now and want to change, you can do so after the May Primary.

What is the deadline to get an absentee ballot for the May election?
The deadline to request an absentee ballot for the May Primary was Friday, May 10.

What nonpartisan offices in Kootenai County are on the May ballot?
The only nonpartisan office candidates on this year’s May ballot are judges. However, there will be nonpartisan offices, such as NIC Trustees, on the ballot in November.

If I go to the Elections office in Cd’A will they know what ballot I need to have? Even if I live in Hayden?
YES, if you are a registered voter they will have everything you need. The most contested races are on the Republican ballot and Republican Voters account for 2/3 of the voters in our county.

What if I am not in town on May 21st how can I vote?
You can vote early in person at the Kootenai County elections office 8AM-5PM from May 6 until Friday May 17.  Address: 1808 N. 3rd Street, CdA

If I use a pen on my ballot will it void the vote?
NO, a black or blue pen is suggested.

What is the easiest way to find my polling place and how long are they open?
On Election Day, poling sites will be open 8AM to 8PM. Find your precinct & polling site at:
voteidaho.gov or www.NorthIdahoRepublicans.org     

Did you know?

  • There are 975 Precincts in Idaho
  • KCRCC is made up of 73 Precinct Committeemen (PC’s) elected every two years by Republican voters 
  • The KCRCC leadership is elected by the PC’s
  • Republican Party Rules forbid KCRCC’s endorsement of PC candidates
  • Unfortunately, the current KCRCC is DAMAGING our area:some text
    • NIC on brink of closure
    • Libraries in disarray
    • Schools closing
    • Forced low turnout Caucuses (not regular Primaries)
    • Attempts to Limit Your Voting Rights
    • Rigid Control of WHO Gets Elected
  • Only YOU can STOP the DAMAGE!
    • You can elect a new KCRCC on May 21
    • Please, restore stability & civility!
  • Precinct Committeeman is the most important race on the ballot!
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